Always by your side~

Total Solution
provider with customers.

Integrity is our
underlying Value

고객 만족을 넘어 고객 감동을 목표로 하는 변압기 제조 전문업체, 극동중전기㈜

Integrity is our
underlying Value

고객 만족을 넘어 고객 감동을 목표로 하는 변압기 제조 전문업체, 극동중전기㈜

Integrity is our
underlying Value

고객 만족을 넘어 고객 감동을 목표로 하는 변압기 제조 전문업체, 극동중전기㈜

about kukdong Faith Will Move a Mountain (一念通天)

A company that thinks of customers first, KUKDONG Electric co.,ltd has been making
all-out efforts to provide the best quality and service since its establishment in 1993 as a transformer company

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    Main Biz Certified Company
  • KEPCO Trusted Partner
    KEPCO Trusted Partner
  • INNOBIZ Certified
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